Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I wanted to apologize for being so many days behind. I am fine and I have not given up on this blog. It may not all get accomplished in the 31 days of October and it already failed to be done in 31 consecutive days. However, I still plan to finish as soon as I can. I have been very busy with work lately and I feel like the posts are requiring more and more work as the planning items get closer to the big event. I want to do each post justice to be the best of help for you so I would rather be behind schedule and write thorough posts than be on schedule and not provide any helpful advice to you.

With that being said, the blog posts are on my VERY long to-do list and are not forgotten. I have a draft of the next post and am hoping to get back to giving your some wedding wisdom in the next few days.

Thank you for being understanding and patient!